Search Results for author: Ruyu Yan

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Neural Spline Fields for Burst Image Fusion and Layer Separation

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Ilya Chugunov, David Shustin, Ruyu Yan, Chenyang Lei, Felix Heide

Each photo in an image burst can be considered a sample of a complex 3D scene: the product of parallax, diffuse and specular materials, scene motion, and illuminant variation.

Shadow Removal

Ray Conditioning: Trading Photo-consistency for Photo-realism in Multi-view Image Generation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Eric Ming Chen, Sidhanth Holalkere, Ruyu Yan, Kai Zhang, Abe Davis

Multi-view image generation attracts particular attention these days due to its promising 3D-related applications, e. g., image viewpoint editing.

Image Generation

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