Search Results for author: Ryan Watkins

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Needs and Artificial Intelligence

no code implementations18 Feb 2022 Soheil Human, Ryan Watkins

We argue that re-thinking needs for, through, and by AI can be a very useful means towards the development of realistic approaches for Sustainable, Human-centric, Accountable, Lawful, and Ethical (HALE) AI systems.

Needs-aware Artificial Intelligence: AI that 'serves [human] needs'

no code implementations10 Feb 2022 Ryan Watkins, Soheil Human

By defining the current limits (and thereby the frontiers), many boundaries are shaping, and will continue to shape, the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Competency Model Approach to AI Literacy: Research-based Path from Initial Framework to Model

no code implementations12 Aug 2021 Farhana Faruqe, Ryan Watkins, Larry Medsker

We propose here a research matrix as an initial step in the development of a roadmap for AI Literacy research, which requires a systematic and coordinated effort with the support of publication outlets and research funding, to expand the areas of competency and assessments.

Monitoring Trust in Human-Machine Interactions for Public Sector Applications

no code implementations16 Oct 2020 Farhana Faruqe, Ryan Watkins, Larry Medsker

A challenge to analyzing the EEG and GSR data is the large amount of training data required due to a large number of variables in the measurements.


Lunar Crater Identification in Digital Images

no code implementations2 Sep 2020 John A. Christian, Harm Derksen, Ryan Watkins

It is often necessary to identify a pattern of observed craters in a single image of the lunar surface and without any prior knowledge of the camera's location.

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