Search Results for author: Sören Schwertfeger

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

3DRef: 3D Dataset and Benchmark for Reflection Detection in RGB and Lidar Data

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Xiting Zhao, Sören Schwertfeger

Reflective surfaces present a persistent challenge for reliable 3D mapping and perception in robotics and autonomous systems.

Image Segmentation Mirror Detection +3

RealDex: Towards Human-like Grasping for Robotic Dexterous Hand

no code implementations21 Feb 2024 Yumeng Liu, Yaxun Yang, Youzhuo Wang, Xiaofei Wu, Jiamin Wang, Yichen Yao, Sören Schwertfeger, Sibei Yang, Wenping Wang, Jingyi Yu, Xuming He, Yuexin Ma

In this paper, we introduce RealDex, a pioneering dataset capturing authentic dexterous hand grasping motions infused with human behavioral patterns, enriched by multi-view and multimodal visual data.

Motion Generation

Accurate calibration of multi-perspective cameras from a generalization of the hand-eye constraint

1 code implementation2 Feb 2022 Yifu Wang, Wenqing Jiang, Kun Huang, Sören Schwertfeger, Laurent Kneip

Multi-perspective cameras are quickly gaining importance in many applications such as smart vehicles and virtual or augmented reality.

Self-supervised Point Set Local Descriptors for Point Cloud Registration

1 code implementation11 Mar 2020 Yijun Yuan, Jiawei Hou, Andreas Nüchter, Sören Schwertfeger

In this work, we propose to learn local descriptors for point clouds in a self-supervised manner.


Non-iterative One-step Solution for Point Set Registration Problem on Pose Estimation without Correspondence

no code implementations1 Mar 2020 Yijun Yuan, Dorit Borrmann, Andreas Nüchter, Sören Schwertfeger

In this work, we propose to directly find the one-step solution for the point set registration problem without correspondences.


Fine-grained Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about Point Positions

no code implementations15 Nov 2019 Sören Schwertfeger

Existing qualitative spatial calculi of positional information are compared to the new approach and possibilities for future research are outlined.

Area Graph: Generation of Topological Maps using the Voronoi Diagram

1 code implementation1 Oct 2019 Jiawei Hou, Yijun Yuan, Sören Schwertfeger

Representing a scanned map of the real environment as a topological structure is an important research topic in robotics.


Mapping with Reflection -- Detection and Utilization of Reflection in 3D Lidar Scans

1 code implementation27 Sep 2019 Xiting Zhao, Zhijie Yang, Sören Schwertfeger

These approaches can classify the point cloud and detect the reflection in it.


Depth Estimation on Underwater Omni-directional Images Using a Deep Neural Network

no code implementations23 May 2019 Haofei Kuang, Qingwen Xu, Sören Schwertfeger

We train one conventional and one spherical FCRN for underwater perspective and omni-directional images, respectively.

Depth Estimation

Towards Generation and Evaluation of Comprehensive Mapping Robot Datasets

1 code implementation23 May 2019 Hongyu Chen, Xiting Zhao, Jianwen Luo, Zhijie Yang, Zehao Zhao, Haochuan Wan, Xiaoya Ye, Guangyuan Weng, Zhenpeng He, Tian Dong, Sören Schwertfeger

This paper presents a fully hardware synchronized mapping robot with support for a hardware synchronized external tracking system, for super-precise timing and localization.


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