Search Results for author: Sabine Hauert

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Evolving Multi-Objective Neural Network Controllers for Robot Swarms

no code implementations26 Jul 2023 Karl Mason, Sabine Hauert

The results also confirm that multi-objective neural network controllers evolved in a low-fidelity simulator can be transferred to high-fidelity simulated environments and that the controllers can scale to environments with a larger number of robots without further retraining needed.

Understandable Controller Extraction from Video Observations of Swarms

no code implementations2 Sep 2022 Khulud Alharthi, Zahraa S Abdallah, Sabine Hauert

Swarm behavior emerges from the local interaction of agents and their environment often encoded as simple rules.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Q-learning for real time control of heterogeneous microagent collectives

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Ana Rubio Denniss, Laia Freixas Mateu, Thomas Gorochowski, Sabine Hauert

The effective control of microscopic collectives has many promising applications, from environmental remediation to targeted drug delivery.


Model Exploration with Cost-Aware Learning

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Namid Stillman, Igor Balazs, Sabine Hauert

We present an extension to active learning routines in which non-constant costs are explicitly considered.

Active Learning BIG-bench Machine Learning

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