1 code implementation • 21 Jul 2021 • Ninon Burgos, Mauricio Díaz, Michael Bacci, Simona Bottani, Omar El-Rifai, Sabrina Fontanella, Pietro Gori, Jérémy Guillon, Alexis Guyot, Ravi Hassanaly, Thomas Jacquemont, Pascal Lu, Arnaud Marcoux, Tristan Moreau, Jorge Samper-González, Marc Teichmann, Elina Thibeau--Sutre, Ghislain Vaillant, Junhao Wen, Adam Wild, Marie-Odile Habert, Stanley Durrleman, Alexandre Routier, Olivier Colliot
It relies on the brain imaging data structure (BIDS) for the organization of raw neuroimaging datasets and on established tools written by the community to build its pipelines.
2 code implementations • 28 Dec 2018 • Junhao Wen, Jorge Samper-Gonzalez, Simona Bottani, Alexandre Routier, Ninon Burgos, Thomas Jacquemont, Sabrina Fontanella, Stanley Durrleman, Stephane Epelbaum, Anne Bertrand, Olivier Colliot
Lastly, with proper FR and FS, the performance of diffusion MRI features is comparable to that of T1w MRI.
no code implementations • 20 Aug 2018 • Jorge Samper-González, Ninon Burgos, Simona Bottani, Sabrina Fontanella, Pascal Lu, Arnaud Marcoux, Alexandre Routier, Jérémy Guillon, Michael Bacci, Junhao Wen, Anne Bertrand, Hugo Bertin, Marie-Odile Habert, Stanley Durrleman, Theodoros Evgeniou, Olivier Colliot, for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, the Australian Imaging Biomarkers, Lifestyle flagship study of ageing
We demonstrate the use of the framework for a large-scale evaluation on 1960 participants using T1 MRI and FDG PET data.
no code implementations • 21 Sep 2017 • Jorge Samper-González, Ninon Burgos, Sabrina Fontanella, Hugo Bertin, Marie-Odile Habert, Stanley Durrleman, Theodoros Evgeniou, Olivier Colliot
The core components are: 1) code to automatically convert the full ADNI database into BIDS format; 2) a modular architecture based on Nipype in order to easily plug-in different classification and feature extraction tools; 3) feature extraction pipelines for MRI and PET data; 4) baseline classification approaches for unimodal and multimodal features.