Search Results for author: Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

How to discretize continuous state-action spaces in Q-learning: A symbolic control approach

no code implementations3 Jun 2024 Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui, Adnane Saoud

This relation allows for seamless application of the synthesized controller based on abstraction to the original system.


Contract-Based Design for Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Invariance Properties

no code implementations13 May 2024 Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui, Adnane Saoud

The results show that both semantics are compatible with cascade composition, while strong semantic is required for feedback composition.

Symbolic Models for Interconnected Impulsive Systems

no code implementations28 Dec 2023 Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui, Adnane Saoud, Pushpak Jagtap, Abdalla Swikir

Our approach relies on the concept of "alternating simulation function" to establish a relationship between concrete subsystems and their symbolic models.

A two dimensional fluid model for TCP/AQM analysis

no code implementations20 Nov 2022 Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui, Alejandro J. Rojas, Abdelaziz Hmamed, El Houssaine Tissir

This work proposes a new mathematical model for the TCP/AQM system that aims to improve the accuracy of existing fluid models, especially with respect to the sequential events that occur in the network.

Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

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