Search Results for author: Sagnik Dakshit

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Faculty Perspectives on the Potential of RAG in Computer Science Higher Education

no code implementations28 Jul 2024 Sagnik Dakshit

The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly impacted the field of Natural Language Processing and has transformed conversational tasks across various domains because of their widespread integration in applications and public access.


Can Public LLMs be used for Self-Diagnosis of Medical Conditions ?

no code implementations18 May 2024 Nikil Sharan Prabahar Balasubramanian, Sagnik Dakshit

With LLMs becoming widely popular and their public access through open-source models and integration with other applications, there is a need to investigate their potential and limitations.

Core-set Selection Using Metrics-based Explanations (CSUME) for multiclass ECG

no code implementations28 May 2022 Sagnik Dakshit, Barbara Mukami Maweu, Sristi Dakshit, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran

In this work, we take Electrocardiogram (ECG) data as a case study and propose a model performance improvement methodology for algorithm developers, that selects the most informative data samples from incoming streams of multi-class ECG data.

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