Search Results for author: Sahil Girhepuje

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

A Survey on Offensive AI Within Cybersecurity

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Sahil Girhepuje, Aviral Verma, Gaurav Raina

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed major growth and integration across various domains.


InSaAF: Incorporating Safety through Accuracy and Fairness | Are LLMs ready for the Indian Legal Domain?

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Yogesh Tripathi, Raghav Donakanti, Sahil Girhepuje, Ishan Kavathekar, Bhaskara Hanuma Vedula, Gokul S Krishnan, Shreya Goyal, Anmol Goel, Balaraman Ravindran, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru

Task performance and fairness scores of LLaMA and LLaMA--2 models indicate that the proposed $LSS_{\beta}$ metric can effectively determine the readiness of a model for safe usage in the legal sector.


RE-GAINS & EnChAnT: Intelligent Tool Manipulation Systems For Enhanced Query Responses

no code implementations28 Jan 2024 Sahil Girhepuje, Siva Sankar Sajeev, Purvam Jain, Arya Sikder, Adithya Rama Varma, Ryan George, Akshay Govind Srinivasan, Mahendra Kurup, Ashmit Sinha, Sudip Mondal

Large Language Models (LLMs) currently struggle with tool invocation and chaining, as they often hallucinate or miss essential steps in a sequence.

Identifying and examining machine learning biases on Adult dataset

no code implementations13 Oct 2023 Sahil Girhepuje

This research delves into the reduction of machine learning model bias through Ensemble Learning.

Attribute Ensemble Learning +1

Are Models Trained on Indian Legal Data Fair?

no code implementations13 Mar 2023 Sahil Girhepuje, Anmol Goel, Gokul S Krishnan, Shreya Goyal, Satyendra Pandey, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Balaraman Ravindran

We highlight the propagation of learnt algorithmic biases in the bail prediction task for models trained on Hindi legal documents.

Fairness Prediction

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