no code implementations • 7 Nov 2021 • Shing Yan Loo, Moein Shakeri, Sai Hong Tang, Syamsiah Mashohor, Hong Zhang
In addition, we compare our online adaptation framework against the state-of-the-art pre-trained depth prediction CNNs to show that our online adapted depth prediction CNN outperforms the depth prediction CNNs that have been trained on a large collection of datasets.
no code implementations • 7 Jun 2020 • Shing Yan Loo, Syamsiah Mashohor, Sai Hong Tang, Hong Zhang
To this end, we use a visual SLAM algorithm to reliably recover the camera poses and semi-dense depth maps of the keyframes, and then use relative depth prediction to densify the semi-dense depth maps and refine the keyframe pose-graph.
2 code implementations • 1 Oct 2018 • Shing Yan Loo, Ali Jahani Amiri, Syamsiah Mashohor, Sai Hong Tang, Hong Zhang
Reliable feature correspondence between frames is a critical step in visual odometry (VO) and visual simultaneous localization and mapping (V-SLAM) algorithms.