Search Results for author: Saket Tiwari

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

On the Geometry of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State and Action Spaces

no code implementations29 Dec 2022 Saket Tiwari, Omer Gottesman, George Konidaris

Central to our work is the idea that the transition dynamics induce a low dimensional manifold of reachable states embedded in the high-dimensional nominal state space.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Effects of Data Geometry in Early Deep Learning

no code implementations29 Dec 2022 Saket Tiwari, George Konidaris

Deep neural networks can approximate functions on different types of data, from images to graphs, with varied underlying structure.

Deep Learning

Meta-Learning Parameterized Skills

1 code implementation7 Jun 2022 Haotian Fu, Shangqun Yu, Saket Tiwari, Michael Littman, George Konidaris

We propose a novel parameterized skill-learning algorithm that aims to learn transferable parameterized skills and synthesize them into a new action space that supports efficient learning in long-horizon tasks.

Meta-Learning Robot Manipulation

Natural Option Critic

no code implementations4 Dec 2018 Saket Tiwari, Philip S. Thomas

In this paper we show how the option-critic architecture can be extended to estimate the natural gradient of the expected discounted return.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning

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