no code implementations • 24 Nov 2023 • Salvatore Vilella, Arthur Thomas Edward Capozzi Lupi, Marco Fornasiero, Dario Moncalvo, Valeria Ricci, Silvia Ronchiadin, Giancarlo Ruffo
It overcomes many limitations of current prevalent paradigms, offering a holistic interpretation of the financial data landscape and addressing potential blindness to phenomena that cannot be effectively estimated through single-node or narrowly focused transactional approaches.
no code implementations • 19 Jan 2022 • Alfonso Semeraro, Salvatore Vilella, Giancarlo Ruffo, Massimo Stella
Our findings expose crucial aspects of the emotional narratives around COVID-19 vaccines adopted by the press, highlighting the need to understand how alternative and mainstream media report vaccination news.
1 code implementation • 19 Apr 2021 • Alfonso Semeraro, Salvatore Vilella, Giancarlo Ruffo
The increasing availability of textual corpora and data fetched from social networks is fuelling a huge production of works based on the model proposed by psychologist Robert Plutchik, often referred simply as the ``Plutchik Wheel''.