1 code implementation • COLING (TextGraphs) 2020 • Yew Ken Chia, Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
Explainable question answering for science questions is a challenging task that requires multi-hop inference over a large set of fact sentences.
1 code implementation • NAACL (TextGraphs) 2021 • Sureshkumar Vivek Kalyan, Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
Creating explanations for answers to science questions is a challenging task that requires multi-hop inference over a large set of fact sentences.
1 code implementation • 11 Jul 2024 • Martin Andrews, Sam Witteveen
Cryptic crossword clues are challenging cognitive tasks, for which new test sets are released on a daily basis by multiple international newspapers.
no code implementations • 21 Nov 2022 • Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
With the spread of the use of Text2Img diffusion models such as DALL-E 2, Imagen, Mid Journey and Stable Diffusion, one challenge that artists face is selecting the right prompts to achieve the desired artistic output.
1 code implementation • 27 Jul 2021 • Vivek Kalyan, Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
Creating explanations for answers to science questions is a challenging task that requires multi-hop inference over a large set of fact sentences.
1 code implementation • 28 Dec 2020 • Yew Ken Chia, Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
Explainable question answering for science questions is a challenging task that requires multi-hop inference over a large set of fact sentences.
no code implementations • WS 2019 • Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
Recently, large language models such as GPT-2 have shown themselves to be extremely adept at text generation and have also been able to achieve high-quality results in many downstream NLP tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis and question answering with the aid of fine-tuning.
1 code implementation • WS 2019 • Yew Ken Chia, Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
The TextGraphs-13 Shared Task on Explanation Regeneration asked participants to develop methods to reconstruct gold explanations for elementary science questions.
no code implementations • WS 2019 • Martin Andrews, Sam Witteveen
The recent (2019-02) demonstration of the power of huge language models such as GPT-2 to memorise the answers to factoid questions raises questions about the extent to which knowledge is being embedded directly within these large models.
no code implementations • 13 Sep 2019 • Martin Andrews, Yew Ken Chia, Sam Witteveen
Scene graph representations, which form a graph of visual object nodes together with their attributes and relations, have proved useful across a variety of vision and language applications.
no code implementations • NIPS Workshop CDNNRIA 2018 • Yew Ken Chia, Sam Witteveen, Martin Andrews
Significant advances have been made in Natural Language Processing (NLP) modelling since the beginning of 2018.
1 code implementation • 7 Sep 2019 • Martin Andrews, Sam Witteveen
Relational reasoning is a central component of intelligent behavior, but has proven difficult for neural networks to learn.