Search Results for author: Samaneh Kazemifar

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Fully Automated Organ Segmentation in Male Pelvic CT Images

no code implementations31 May 2018 Anjali Balagopal, Samaneh Kazemifar, Dan Nguyen, Mu-Han Lin, Raquibul Hannan, Amir Owrangi, Steve Jiang

Accurate segmentation of prostate and surrounding organs at risk is important for prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment planning.

Image Segmentation Organ Segmentation +2

Accurate Real Time Localization Tracking in A Clinical Environment using Bluetooth Low Energy and Deep Learning

1 code implementation22 Nov 2017 Zohaib Iqbal, Da Luo, Peter Henry, Samaneh Kazemifar, Timothy Rozario, Yulong Yan, Kenneth Westover, Weiguo Lu, Dan Nguyen, Troy Long, Jing Wang, Hak Choy, Steve Jiang

Deep learning has started to revolutionize several different industries, and the applications of these methods in medicine are now becoming more commonplace.


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