Search Results for author: Sameer Pradhan

Found 26 papers, 5 papers with code

GRAIL—Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers

no code implementations LREC (LAW) 2022 Sameer Pradhan, Mark Liberman

This paper identifies novel characteristics necessary to successfully represent multiple streams of natural language information from speech and text simultaneously, and proposes a multi-tiered system that implements these characteristics centered around a declarative configuration.

The Universal Anaphora Scorer

no code implementations LREC 2022 Juntao Yu, Sopan Khosla, Nafise Sadat Moosavi, Silviu Paun, Sameer Pradhan, Massimo Poesio

It also supports the evaluation of split antecedent anaphora and discourse deixis, for which no tools existed.

SPLICE: A Singleton-Enhanced PipeLIne for Coreference REsolution

1 code implementation25 Mar 2024 YIlun Zhu, Siyao Peng, Sameer Pradhan, Amir Zeldes

We then propose a two-step neural mention and coreference resolution system, named SPLICE, and compare its performance to the end-to-end approach in two scenarios: the OntoNotes test set and the out-of-domain (OOD) OntoGUM corpus.

Avg coreference-resolution +1

Incorporating Singletons and Mention-based Features in Coreference Resolution via Multi-task Learning for Better Generalization

1 code implementation20 Sep 2023 YIlun Zhu, Siyao Peng, Sameer Pradhan, Amir Zeldes

Previous attempts to incorporate a mention detection step into end-to-end neural coreference resolution for English have been hampered by the lack of singleton mention span data as well as other entity information.

coreference-resolution Multi-Task Learning

Joint Coreference Resolution for Zeros and non-Zeros in Arabic

no code implementations21 Oct 2022 Abdulrahman Aloraini, Sameer Pradhan, Massimo Poesio

Most existing proposals about anaphoric zero pronoun (AZP) resolution regard full mention coreference and AZP resolution as two independent tasks, even though the two tasks are clearly related.


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