Search Results for author: Samuel Gerber

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Optimal Transport Features for Morphometric Population Analysis

1 code implementation11 Aug 2022 Samuel Gerber, Marc Niethammer, Ebrahim Ebrahim, Joseph Piven, Stephen R. Dager, Martin Styner, Stephen Aylward, Andinet Enquobahrie

We demonstrate the proposed optimal transport feature extraction step in the context of a volumetric morphometric analysis of the OASIS-1 study for Alzheimer's disease.

Saddlepoints in Unsupervised Least Squares

no code implementations11 Apr 2021 Samuel Gerber

This paper sheds light on the risk landscape of unsupervised least squares in the context of deep auto-encoding neural nets.


Multiscale Strategies for Computing Optimal Transport

2 code implementations8 Aug 2017 Samuel Gerber, Mauro Maggioni

The approach is based on an adaptive multiscale decomposition of the point sets.


Learning Multiple Tasks using Manifold Regularization

no code implementations NeurIPS 2010 Arvind Agarwal, Samuel Gerber, Hal Daume

We present a novel method for multitask learning (MTL) based on {\it manifold regularization}: assume that all task parameters lie on a manifold.

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