no code implementations • 24 Sep 2022 • Saurav Kadavath, Samuel Paradis, Jacob Yeung
Results from cross-cell prediction experiments, where the model is trained and tested on datasets of varying sizes, cell-types, and correlations, suggest the relationship between histone modification signals and gene expression is independent of cell type.
no code implementations • 6 Oct 2021 • Saurav Kadavath, Samuel Paradis, Brian Yao
Pretraining is a common technique in deep learning for increasing performance and reducing training time, with promising experimental results in deep reinforcement learning (RL).
no code implementations • 23 Dec 2020 • Minho Hwang, Brijen Thananjeyan, Daniel Seita, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Samuel Paradis, Danyal Fer, Thomas Low, Ken Goldberg
Peg transfer is a well-known surgical training task in the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS).
no code implementations • 18 Sep 2020 • Yahav Avigal, Samuel Paradis, Harry Zhang
Recent consumer demand for home robots has accelerated performance of robotic grasping.
no code implementations • 19 Mar 2020 • Minho Hwang, Brijen Thananjeyan, Samuel Paradis, Daniel Seita, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Danyal Fer, Thomas Low, Ken Goldberg
Automation of surgical subtasks using cable-driven robotic surgical assistants (RSAs) such as Intuitive Surgical's da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) is challenging due to imprecision in control from cable-related effects such as cable stretching and hysteresis.
no code implementations • 15 Feb 2020 • Minho Hwang, Daniel Seita, Brijen Thananjeyan, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Samuel Paradis, Danyal Fer, Thomas Low, Ken Goldberg
We report experimental results for a handover-free version of the peg transfer task, performing 20 and 5 physical episodes with single- and bilateral-arm setups, respectively.
no code implementations • 3 Oct 2019 • Samuel Paradis, Michael Whitmeyer
We use data on 124 batteries released by Stanford University to first try to solve the binary classification problem of determining if a battery is "good" or "bad" given only the first 5 cycles of data (i. e., will it last longer than a certain threshold of cycles), as well as the prediction problem of determining the exact number of cycles a battery will last given the first 100 cycles of data.