Search Results for author: Samuel Stanton

Found 13 papers, 12 papers with code

Closed-Form Test Functions for Biophysical Sequence Optimization Algorithms

2 code implementations28 Jun 2024 Samuel Stanton, Robert Alberstein, Nathan Frey, Andrew Watkins, Kyunghyun Cho

There is a growing body of work seeking to replicate the success of machine learning (ML) on domains like computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) to applications involving biophysical data.

Conformal Validity Guarantees Exist for Any Data Distribution (and How to Find Them)

1 code implementation10 May 2024 Drew Prinster, Samuel Stanton, Anqi Liu, Suchi Saria

As artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) gain widespread adoption, practitioners are increasingly seeking means to quantify and control the risk these systems incur.

Active Learning Conformal Prediction

Bayesian Optimization with Conformal Prediction Sets

1 code implementation22 Oct 2022 Samuel Stanton, Wesley Maddox, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Bayesian optimization is a coherent, ubiquitous approach to decision-making under uncertainty, with applications including multi-arm bandits, active learning, and black-box optimization.

Active Learning Bayesian Optimization +5

Deconstructing the Inductive Biases of Hamiltonian Neural Networks

1 code implementation ICLR 2022 Nate Gruver, Marc Finzi, Samuel Stanton, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Physics-inspired neural networks (NNs), such as Hamiltonian or Lagrangian NNs, dramatically outperform other learned dynamics models by leveraging strong inductive biases.

Conditioning Sparse Variational Gaussian Processes for Online Decision-making

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Wesley J. Maddox, Samuel Stanton, Andrew Gordon Wilson

With a principled representation of uncertainty and closed form posterior updates, Gaussian processes (GPs) are a natural choice for online decision making.

Active Learning Decision Making +1

Does Knowledge Distillation Really Work?

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Samuel Stanton, Pavel Izmailov, Polina Kirichenko, Alexander A. Alemi, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Knowledge distillation is a popular technique for training a small student network to emulate a larger teacher model, such as an ensemble of networks.

Knowledge Distillation

Kernel Interpolation for Scalable Online Gaussian Processes

2 code implementations2 Mar 2021 Samuel Stanton, Wesley J. Maddox, Ian Delbridge, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a gold standard for performance in online settings, such as sample-efficient control and black box optimization, where we need to update a posterior distribution as we acquire data in a sequential fashion.

Bayesian Optimization Gaussian Processes

On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning

1 code implementation28 Aug 2020 Brandon Amos, Samuel Stanton, Denis Yarats, Andrew Gordon Wilson

For over a decade, model-based reinforcement learning has been seen as a way to leverage control-based domain knowledge to improve the sample-efficiency of reinforcement learning agents.

Continuous Control Humanoid Control +4

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