Search Results for author: San Lee

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Low-Rank Adaptation of Time Series Foundational Models for Out-of-Domain Modality Forecasting

no code implementations16 May 2024 Divij Gupta, Anubhav Bhatti, Suraj Parmar, Chen Dan, Yuwei Liu, Bingjie Shen, San Lee

We conduct comprehensive ablation studies to demonstrate the trade-offs between the number of tunable parameters and forecasting performance and assess the impact of varying LoRA matrix ranks on model performance.

Time Series

Interpretable Vital Sign Forecasting with Model Agnostic Attention Maps

no code implementations2 May 2024 Yuwei Liu, Chen Dan, Anubhav Bhatti, Bingjie Shen, Divij Gupta, Suraj Parmar, San Lee

This paper introduces a framework that combines a deep learning model with an attention mechanism that highlights the critical time steps in the forecasting process, thus improving model interpretability and supporting clinical decision-making.

Decision Making Deep Learning +2

SM70: A Large Language Model for Medical Devices

no code implementations12 Dec 2023 Anubhav Bhatti, Surajsinh Parmar, San Lee

We are introducing SM70, a 70 billion-parameter Large Language Model that is specifically designed for SpassMed's medical devices under the brand name 'JEE1' (pronounced as G1 and means 'Life').

Decision Making Information Retrieval +4

Vital Sign Forecasting for Sepsis Patients in ICUs

no code implementations8 Nov 2023 Anubhav Bhatti, Yuwei Liu, Chen Dan, Bingjie Shen, San Lee, Yonghwan Kim, Jang Yong Kim

This paper uses state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) architectures to introduce a multi-step forecasting system to predict vital signs indicative of septic shock progression in Intensive Care Units (ICUs).

Decision Making Dynamic Time Warping

Interpreting Forecasted Vital Signs Using N-BEATS in Sepsis Patients

no code implementations24 Jun 2023 Anubhav Bhatti, Naveen Thangavelu, Marium Hassan, Choongmin Kim, San Lee, Yonghwan Kim, Jang Yong Kim

We analyze the samples where the forecasted trend does not match the actual trend and study the impact of infused drugs on changing the actual vital signs compared to the forecasted trend.

Dynamic Time Warping

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