Search Results for author: Sanae Lotfi

Found 8 papers, 5 papers with code

Unlocking Tokens as Data Points for Generalization Bounds on Larger Language Models

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Sanae Lotfi, Yilun Kuang, Brandon Amos, Micah Goldblum, Marc Finzi, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Recent work computes non-vacuous compression-based generalization bounds for LLMs, but these bounds are vacuous for large models at the billion-parameter scale.

Generalization Bounds Quantization

Non-Vacuous Generalization Bounds for Large Language Models

1 code implementation28 Dec 2023 Sanae Lotfi, Marc Finzi, Yilun Kuang, Tim G. J. Rudner, Micah Goldblum, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Modern language models can contain billions of parameters, raising the question of whether they can generalize beyond the training data or simply parrot their training corpora.

Generalization Bounds valid

PAC-Bayes Compression Bounds So Tight That They Can Explain Generalization

1 code implementation24 Nov 2022 Sanae Lotfi, Marc Finzi, Sanyam Kapoor, Andres Potapczynski, Micah Goldblum, Andrew Gordon Wilson

While there has been progress in developing non-vacuous generalization bounds for deep neural networks, these bounds tend to be uninformative about why deep learning works.

Generalization Bounds Transfer Learning

Bayesian Model Selection, the Marginal Likelihood, and Generalization

1 code implementation23 Feb 2022 Sanae Lotfi, Pavel Izmailov, Gregory Benton, Micah Goldblum, Andrew Gordon Wilson

We provide a partial remedy through a conditional marginal likelihood, which we show is more aligned with generalization, and practically valuable for large-scale hyperparameter learning, such as in deep kernel learning.

Model Selection Neural Architecture Search

Adaptive First- and Second-Order Algorithms for Large-Scale Machine Learning

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Sanae Lotfi, Tiphaine Bonniot de Ruisselet, Dominique Orban, Andrea Lodi

In this paper, we consider both first- and second-order techniques to address continuous optimization problems arising in machine learning.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Stochastic Optimization

Dangers of Bayesian Model Averaging under Covariate Shift

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Pavel Izmailov, Patrick Nicholson, Sanae Lotfi, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Approximate Bayesian inference for neural networks is considered a robust alternative to standard training, often providing good performance on out-of-distribution data.

Bayesian Inference

Loss Surface Simplexes for Mode Connecting Volumes and Fast Ensembling

1 code implementation25 Feb 2021 Gregory W. Benton, Wesley J. Maddox, Sanae Lotfi, Andrew Gordon Wilson

In this paper, we show that there are mode-connecting simplicial complexes that form multi-dimensional manifolds of low loss, connecting many independently trained models.

Stochastic Damped L-BFGS with Controlled Norm of the Hessian Approximation

no code implementations10 Dec 2020 Sanae Lotfi, Tiphaine Bonniot de Ruisselet, Dominique Orban, Andrea Lodi

We propose a new stochastic variance-reduced damped L-BFGS algorithm, where we leverage estimates of bounds on the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the Hessian approximation to balance its quality and conditioning.


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