Search Results for author: Sanda Harabagiu

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

HLTRI at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: COVID-19 Event Extraction from Twitter Using Multi-Task Hopfield Pooling

no code implementations EMNLP (WNUT) 2020 Maxwell Weinzierl, Sanda Harabagiu

Extracting structured knowledge involving self-reported events related to the COVID-19 pandemic from Twitter has the potential to inform surveillance systems that play a critical role in public health.

Event Extraction Language Modelling

Identification of Multimodal Stance Towards Frames of Communication

1 code implementation EMNLP 2023 Maxwell Weinzierl, Sanda Harabagiu

In this paper we introduce MMVax-Stance, a dataset of 11, 300 multimedia documents retrieved from social media, which have stance annotations towards 113 different frames of communication.

Stance Detection

VaccineLies: A Natural Language Resource for Learning to Recognize Misinformation about the COVID-19 and HPV Vaccines

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Maxwell Weinzierl, Sanda Harabagiu

The ontological commitments of the Misinformation taxonomies provide an understanding of which misinformation themes and concerns dominate the discourse about the two vaccines covered in VaccineLies.


Identifying the Adoption or Rejection of Misinformation Targeting COVID-19 Vaccines in Twitter Discourse

1 code implementation18 Feb 2022 Maxwell Weinzierl, Sanda Harabagiu

In this paper we describe a novel framework for identifying the stance towards misinformation, relying on attitude consistency and its properties.


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