no code implementations • NAACL (ClinicalNLP) 2022 • Sandaru Seneviratne, Elena Daskalaki, Artem Lenskiy, Hanna Suominen
Acronym disambiguation (AD) is the process of identifying the correct expansion of the acronyms in text.
1 code implementation • COLING 2022 • Sandaru Seneviratne, Elena Daskalaki, Artem Lenskiy, Hanna Suominen
Methods based on lexical resources are likely to miss relevant substitutes whereas relying only on contextual word embedding models fails to provide adequate information on the impact of a substitute in the entire context and the overall meaning of the input.
1 code implementation • 31 Aug 2021 • Sandaru Seneviratne, Sergio J. Rodríguez Méndez, Xuecheng Zhang, Pouya G. Omran, Kerry Taylor, Armin Haller
Extraction of categorised named entities from text is a complex task given the availability of a variety of Named Entity Recognition (NER) models and the unstructured information encoded in different source document formats.
no code implementations • 12 Jun 2019 • Nadeesha Pathirana, Sandaru Seneviratne, Rangika Samarawickrama, Shane Wolff, Charith Chitraranjan, Uthayasanker Thayasivam, Tharindu Ranasinghe
Concept identification is a crucial step in understanding and building a knowledge base for any particular domain.