Search Results for author: Sanjay Jha

Found 12 papers, 2 papers with code

Adversarially Guided Stateful Defense Against Backdoor Attacks in Federated Deep Learning

1 code implementation15 Oct 2024 Hassan Ali, Surya Nepal, Salil S. Kanhere, Sanjay Jha

We show that in realistic FL settings, state-of-the-art (SOTA) defenses struggle to perform well against backdoor attacks in FL.

Federated Learning

AuditNet: A Conversational AI-based Security Assistant [DEMO]

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Shohreh Deldari, Mohammad Goudarzi, Aditya Joshi, Arash Shaghaghi, Simon Finn, Flora D. Salim, Sanjay Jha

In the age of information overload, professionals across various fields face the challenge of navigating vast amounts of documentation and ever-evolving standards.


USAT: A Universal Speaker-Adaptive Text-to-Speech Approach

1 code implementation28 Apr 2024 Wenbin Wang, Yang song, Sanjay Jha

To prevent catastrophic forgetting and reduce storage implications for few-shot speaker adaptation, we designed two adapters and a unique adaptation procedure.

Decoder Text to Speech

Generalizable Zero-Shot Speaker Adaptive Speech Synthesis with Disentangled Representations

no code implementations24 Aug 2023 Wenbin Wang, Yang song, Sanjay Jha

However, most current approaches suffer from the degradation of naturalness and speaker similarity when synthesizing speech for unseen speakers (i. e., speakers not in the training dataset) due to the poor generalizability of the model in out-of-distribution data.

Representation Learning Speech Synthesis +2

AutoLV: Automatic Lecture Video Generator

no code implementations19 Sep 2022 Wenbin Wang, Yang song, Sanjay Jha

We propose an end-to-end lecture video generation system that can generate realistic and complete lecture videos directly from annotated slides, instructor's reference voice and instructor's reference portrait video.

Speech Synthesis Talking Head Generation +1

PhishSim: Aiding Phishing Website Detection with a Feature-Free Tool

no code implementations13 Jul 2022 Rizka Purwanto, Arindam Pal, Alan Blair, Sanjay Jha

This method examines the HTML of webpages and computes their similarity with known phishing websites, in order to classify them.

Incremental Learning Phishing Website Detection

Man versus Machine: AutoML and Human Experts' Role in Phishing Detection

no code implementations27 Aug 2021 Rizka Purwanto, Arindam Pal, Alan Blair, Sanjay Jha

Our paper compares the performances of six well-known, state-of-the-art AutoML frameworks on ten different phishing datasets to see whether AutoML-based models can outperform manually crafted machine learning models.

AutoML BIG-bench Machine Learning

Seirios: Leveraging Multiple Channels for LoRaWAN Indoor and Outdoor Localization

no code implementations16 Aug 2021 Jun Liu, Jiayao Gao, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu

By exploiting both the original and the conjugate of the physical layer, Seirios can resolve the direct path from multiple reflectors in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Outdoor Localization Super-Resolution

HaS-Nets: A Heal and Select Mechanism to Defend DNNs Against Backdoor Attacks for Data Collection Scenarios

no code implementations14 Dec 2020 Hassan Ali, Surya Nepal, Salil S. Kanhere, Sanjay Jha

We have witnessed the continuing arms race between backdoor attacks and the corresponding defense strategies on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs).

Backdoor Attack

PhishZip: A New Compression-based Algorithm for Detecting Phishing Websites

no code implementations22 Jul 2020 Rizka Purwanto, Arindam Pal, Alan Blair, Sanjay Jha

PhishZip outperforms the use of best-performing HTML-based features in past studies, with a true positive rate of 80. 04%.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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