Search Results for author: Sanjit K. Kaul

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

A Deep Learning Approach To Estimation Using Measurements Received Over a Network

no code implementations20 Jan 2022 Shivangi Agarwal, Sanjit K. Kaul, Saket Anand, P. B. Sujit

The measurements are communicated over a network as packets, at a rate unknown to the estimator.

Intelligent Querying for Target Tracking in Camera Networks using Deep Q-Learning with n-Step Bootstrapping

no code implementations20 Apr 2020 Anil Sharma, Saket Anand, Sanjit K. Kaul

Surveillance camera networks are a useful infrastructure for various visual analytics applications, where high-level inferences and predictions could be made based on target tracking across the network.

Q-Learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Spectrum Sharing between DSRC and WiFi: A Repeated Game Approach

1 code implementation22 Jan 2019 Sneihil Gopal, Sanjit K. Kaul, Rakesh Chaturvedi

We model the coexistence of Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) and WiFi networks, when they access a shared wireless medium, as a repeated game.

Computer Science and Game Theory

A Game Theoretic Approach to DSRC and WiFi Coexistence

1 code implementation1 Mar 2018 Sneihil Gopal, Sanjit K. Kaul

We model the coexistence of DSRC and WiFi networks as a strategic form game with the networks as the players.

Networking and Internet Architecture Computer Science and Game Theory

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