Search Results for author: Santiago Romani

Found 10 papers, 7 papers with code

Grouped Pointwise Convolutions Reduce Parameters in Convolutional Neural Networks

2 code implementations Mendel 2022 Joao Paulo Schwarz Schuler, Santiago Romani, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Hatem Rashwan, Domenec Puig

In Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs), the parameter count in pointwise convolutions quickly grows due to the multiplication of the filters and input channels from the preceding layer.

Spam detection

Grouped Pointwise Convolutions Significantly Reduces Parameters in EfficientNet

1 code implementation 23rd International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence 2021 Joao Paulo Schwarz Schuler, Santiago Romani, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Hatem Rashwan, Domenec Puig

Our proposal is to improve the pointwise (1x1) convolutions, whose number of parameters rapidly grows due to the multiplication of the number of filters by the number of input channels that come from the previous layer.

Image Classification

Retinal Optic Disc Segmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

no code implementations11 Jun 2018 Vivek Kumar Singh, Hatem Rashwan, Farhan Akram, Nidhi Pandey, Md. Mostaf Kamal Sarker, Adel Saleh, Saddam Abdulwahab, Najlaa Maaroof, Santiago Romani, Domenec Puig

Then, the discriminator learns as a loss function to train this mapping by comparing the ground-truth and the predicted output with observing the input image as a condition. Experiments were performed on two publicly available dataset; DRISHTI GS1 and RIM-ONE.

Generative Adversarial Network Image Segmentation +3

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