Search Results for author: Santosh Ganji

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

TERRA: Beam Management for Outdoor mm-Wave Networks

no code implementations10 Jan 2023 Santosh Ganji, Jaewon Kim, Romil Sonigra, P. R. Kumar

To avoid outage in transient pedestrian blockage of the LoS path, the mobile uses reflected or NLoS path available in indoor environments.


Terra: Blockage Resilience in Outdoor mmWave Networks

1 code implementation25 Sep 2022 Santosh Ganji, Jaewon Kim, P. R. Kumar

This allows the mobile to maintain time-synchronization with the base station, allowing it to revert to the LoS path when the temporary blockage disappears.

Detect Ground Reflections

NeurWIN: Neural Whittle Index Network For Restless Bandits Via Deep RL

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Khaled Nakhleh, Santosh Ganji, Ping-Chun Hsieh, I-Hong Hou, Srinivas Shakkottai

This paper proposes NeurWIN, a neural Whittle index network that seeks to learn the Whittle indices for any restless bandits by leveraging mathematical properties of the Whittle indices.

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