no code implementations • NAACL (MIA) 2022 • Zhucheng Tu, Sarguna Janani Padmanabhan
The first stage consists of multilingual passage retrieval with a hybrid dense and sparse retrieval strategy.
1 code implementation • 8 Dec 2020 • Griffin Adams, Sarguna Janani Padmanabhan, Shivang Shekhar
We address two major challenges of implicit coordination in multi-agent deep reinforcement learning: non-stationarity and exponential growth of state-action space, by combining Deep-Q Networks for policy learning with Nash equilibrium for action selection.
1 code implementation • NAACL 2018 • Ye Qi, Devendra Singh Sachan, Matthieu Felix, Sarguna Janani Padmanabhan, Graham Neubig
The performance of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems often suffers in low-resource scenarios where sufficiently large-scale parallel corpora cannot be obtained.