Search Results for author: Sargur Srihari

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

Improving Joint Learning of Chest X-Ray and Radiology Report by Word Region Alignment

1 code implementation4 Sep 2021 Zhanghexuan Ji, Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Dana Moukheiber, Sargur Srihari, Yifan Peng, Mingchen Gao

Self-supervised learning provides an opportunity to explore unlabeled chest X-rays and their associated free-text reports accumulated in clinical routine without manual supervision.

Representation Learning Self-Supervised Learning +2

Attention based Writer Independent Handwriting Verification

1 code implementation7 Sep 2020 Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Tiehang Duan, Mihir Chauhan, Sargur Srihari

The task of writer verification is to provide a likelihood score for whether the queried and known handwritten image samples belong to the same writer or not.

Handwriting Verification

Ultra Efficient Transfer Learning with Meta Update for Cross Subject EEG Classification

2 code implementations13 Mar 2020 Tiehang Duan, Mihir Chauhan, Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Jun Chu, Sargur Srihari

The pattern of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal differs significantly across different subjects, and poses challenge for EEG classifiers in terms of 1) effectively adapting a learned classifier onto a new subject, 2) retaining knowledge of known subjects after the adaptation.

EEG General Classification +2

Hybrid Feature Learning for Handwriting Verification

1 code implementation19 Nov 2018 Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Mihir Chauhan, Jun Chu, Sargur Srihari

Experiments are performed by complementing one of the HEF methods with one ALF method on 150000 pairs of samples of the word "AND" cropped from handwritten notes written by 1500 writers.

Handwriting Verification

Using Social Dynamics to Make Individual Predictions: Variational Inference with a Stochastic Kinetic Model

no code implementations NeurIPS 2016 Zhen Xu, Wen Dong, Sargur Srihari

Social dynamics is concerned primarily with interactions among individuals and the resulting group behaviors, modeling the temporal evolution of social systems via the interactions of individuals within these systems.

Variational Inference

Sequential Labeling with online Deep Learning

no code implementations10 Dec 2014 Gang Chen, ran Xu, Sargur Srihari

Deep learning has attracted great attention recently and yielded the state of the art performance in dimension reduction and classification problems.

Deep Learning Dimensionality Reduction

Evaluation of Rarity of Fingerprints in Forensics

no code implementations NeurIPS 2010 Chang Su, Sargur Srihari

The probability of random correspondence for several latent fingerprints are evaluated for varying numbers of minutiae.

Gaussian Processes

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