Search Results for author: Sarina Thomas

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

EchoNarrator: Generating natural text explanations for ejection fraction predictions

1 code implementation31 Oct 2024 Sarina Thomas, Qing Cao, Anna Novikova, Daria Kulikova, Guy Ben-Yosef

It then feeds the attributes into a large language model to generate text that helps to explain the network's outcome in a human-like manner.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Echocardiography View Recognition: A Holistic Approach

no code implementations29 Feb 2024 Sarina Thomas, Cristiana Tiago, Børge Solli Andreassen, Svein Arne Aase, Jurica Šprem, Erik Steen, Anne Solberg, Guy Ben-Yosef

Although deep learning techniques have been successful in achieving this, they still struggle with fully verifying the suitability of an image for specific measurements due to factors like the correct location, pose, and potential occlusions of cardiac structures.

Denoising Pose Estimation

Towards Robust Cardiac Segmentation using Graph Convolutional Networks

3 code implementations2 Oct 2023 Gilles Van De Vyver, Sarina Thomas, Guy Ben-Yosef, Sindre Hellum Olaisen, Håvard Dalen, Lasse Løvstakken, Erik Smistad

We propose a graph architecture that uses two convolutional rings based on cardiac anatomy and show that this eliminates anatomical incorrect multi-structure segmentations on the publicly available CAMUS dataset.

Anatomy Cardiac Segmentation +1

Shape-based pose estimation for automatic standard views of the knee

no code implementations26 May 2023 Lisa Kausch, Sarina Thomas, Holger Kunze, Jan Siad El Barbari, Klaus Maier-Hein

The characteristics of the standard views of the knee suggests that the shape information of individual bones could guide an automatic positioning procedure, reducing time and the amount of unnecessary radiation during C-arm positioning.

Anatomy continuous-control +3

Light-weight spatio-temporal graphs for segmentation and ejection fraction prediction in cardiac ultrasound

1 code implementation6 Jul 2022 Sarina Thomas, Andrew Gilbert, Guy Ben-Yosef

In particular, segmentations of the left ventricle can be used to derive ventricular volume, ejection fraction (EF) and other relevant measurements.

LV Segmentation Segmentation +1

Automatic Plane Adjustment of Orthopedic Intra-operative Flat Panel Detector CT-Volumes

no code implementations15 Sep 2021 Celia Martin Vicario, Florian Kordon, Felix Denzinger, Jan Siad El Barbari, Maxim Privalov, Jochen Franke, Sarina Thomas, Lisa Kausch, Andreas Maier, Holger Kunze

The most important benefit of the MTL approach is that it is a single network for standard plane regression for all body regions with a reduced number of stored parameters.

Multi-Task Learning regression

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