Search Results for author: Saul Fuster

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

NMGrad: Advancing Histopathological Bladder Cancer Grading with Weakly Supervised Deep Learning

1 code implementation24 May 2024 Saul Fuster, Umay Kiraz, Trygve Eftestøl, Emiel A. M. Janssen, Kjersti Engan

To distinguish different levels of malignancy within specific regions of the slide, we include the origins of the tiles in our analysis.

Multiple Instance Learning

A Dual Convolutional Neural Network Pipeline for Melanoma Diagnostics and Prognostics

no code implementations14 Dec 2023 Marie Bø-Sande, Edvin Benjaminsen, Neel Kanwal, Saul Fuster, Helga Hardardottir, Ingrid Lundal, Emiel A. M. Janssen, Kjersti Engan

Melanoma is a type of cancer that begins in the cells controlling the pigment of the skin, and it is often referred to as the most dangerous skin cancer.

whole slide images

Active Learning Based Domain Adaptation for Tissue Segmentation of Histopathological Images

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Saul Fuster, Farbod Khoraminia, Trygve Eftestøl, Tahlita C. M. Zuiverloon, Kjersti Engan

Accurate segmentation of tissue in histopathological images can be very beneficial for defining regions of interest (ROI) for streamline of diagnostic and prognostic tasks.

Active Learning Domain Adaptation

Nested Multiple Instance Learning with Attention Mechanisms

1 code implementation1 Nov 2021 Saul Fuster, Trygve Eftestøl, Kjersti Engan

Strongly supervised learning requires detailed knowledge of truth labels at instance levels, and in many machine learning applications this is a major drawback.

Multiple Instance Learning Time Series Analysis +1

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