Search Results for author: Sauptik Dhar

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

A Survey on Proactive Customer Care: Enabling Science and Steps to Realize it

no code implementations11 Oct 2021 Viswanath Ganapathy, Sauptik Dhar, Olimpiya Saha, Pelin Kurt Garberson, Javad Heydari, Mohak Shah

In recent times, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT have enabled seamless and viable maintenance of appliances in home and building environments.

Anomaly Detection Survey

DOC3-Deep One Class Classification using Contradictions

no code implementations17 May 2021 Sauptik Dhar, Bernardo Gonzalez Torres

This paper introduces the notion of learning from contradictions (a. k. a Universum learning) for deep one class classification problems.

Classification Inductive Learning +1

Stabilizing Bi-Level Hyperparameter Optimization using Moreau-Yosida Regularization

1 code implementation27 Jul 2020 Sauptik Dhar, Unmesh Kurup, Mohak Shah

This research proposes to use the Moreau-Yosida envelope to stabilize the convergence behavior of bi-level Hyperparameter optimization solvers, and introduces the new algorithm called Moreau-Yosida regularized Hyperparameter Optimization (MY-HPO) algorithm.

Hyperparameter Optimization

Multiclass Learning from Contradictions

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky, Mohak Shah

We introduce the notion of learning from contradictions, a. k. a Universum learning, for multiclass problems and propose a novel formulation for multiclass universum SVM (MU-SVM).

Model Selection

On-Device Machine Learning: An Algorithms and Learning Theory Perspective

no code implementations2 Nov 2019 Sauptik Dhar, Junyao Guo, Jiayi Liu, Samarth Tripathi, Unmesh Kurup, Mohak Shah

However, on-device learning is an expansive field with connections to a large number of related topics in AI and machine learning (including online learning, model adaptation, one/few-shot learning, etc.).

BIG-bench Machine Learning Few-Shot Learning +2

Single Class Universum-SVM

no code implementations21 Sep 2019 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky

This paper extends the idea of Universum learning [1, 2] to single-class learning problems.

Binary Classification

Improving Model Training by Periodic Sampling over Weight Distributions

no code implementations14 May 2019 Samarth Tripathi, Jiayi Liu, Unmesh Kurup, Mohak Shah, Sauptik Dhar

In this paper, we explore techniques centered around periodic sampling of model weights that provide convergence improvements on gradient update methods (vanilla \acs{SGD}, Momentum, Adam) for a variety of vision problems (classification, detection, segmentation).

Multiclass Universum SVM

1 code implementation23 Aug 2018 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky, Mohak Shah

We introduce Universum learning for multiclass problems and propose a novel formulation for multiclass universum SVM (MU-SVM).

Model Selection

Universum Learning for Multiclass SVM

no code implementations29 Sep 2016 Sauptik Dhar, Naveen Ramakrishnan, Vladimir Cherkassky, Mohak Shah

We introduce Universum learning for multiclass problems and propose a novel formulation for multiclass universum SVM (MU-SVM).

Model Selection

Universum Learning for SVM Regression

no code implementations27 May 2016 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky

This paper extends the idea of Universum learning [18, 19] to regression problems.


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