Search Results for author: Sayan Paul

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

MPVO: Motion-Prior based Visual Odometry for PointGoal Navigation

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Sayan Paul, Ruddra dev Roychoudhury, Brojeshwar Bhowmick

It consists of a training-free action-prior based geometric VO module that estimates a coarse relative pose which is further consumed as a motion prior by a deep-learned VO model, which finally produces a fine relative pose to be used by the navigation policy.

PointGoal Navigation Visual Odometry

DoRO: Disambiguation of referred object for embodied agents

no code implementations28 Jul 2022 Pradip Pramanick, Chayan Sarkar, Sayan Paul, Ruddra dev Roychoudhury, Brojeshwar Bhowmick

Given an area where the intended object is, DoRO finds all the instances of the object by aggregating observations from multiple views while exploring & scanning the area.

Natural Language Understanding Object

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