Search Results for author: Scott Delp

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

OccFusion: Rendering Occluded Humans with Generative Diffusion Priors

no code implementations29 Jun 2024 Adam Sun, Tiange Xiang, Scott Delp, Li Fei-Fei, Ehsan Adeli

In the Initialization stage, complete human masks are generated from partial visibility masks.

AddBiomechanics Dataset: Capturing the Physics of Human Motion at Scale

no code implementations16 May 2024 Keenon Werling, Janelle Kaneda, Alan Tan, Rishi Agarwal, Six Skov, Tom Van Wouwe, Scott Uhlrich, Nicholas Bianco, Carmichael Ong, Antoine Falisse, Shardul Sapkota, Aidan Chandra, Joshua Carter, Ezio Preatoni, Benjamin Fregly, Jennifer Hicks, Scott Delp, C. Karen Liu

While reconstructing human poses in 3D from inexpensive sensors has advanced significantly in recent years, quantifying the dynamics of human motion, including the muscle-generated joint torques and external forces, remains a challenge.

Human Dynamics

Wild2Avatar: Rendering Humans Behind Occlusions

no code implementations31 Dec 2023 Tiange Xiang, Adam Sun, Scott Delp, Kazuki Kozuka, Li Fei-Fei, Ehsan Adeli

In this work, we present Wild2Avatar, a neural rendering approach catered for occluded in-the-wild monocular videos.

Neural Rendering

DiffusionPoser: Real-time Human Motion Reconstruction From Arbitrary Sparse Sensors Using Autoregressive Diffusion

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Tom Van Wouwe, Seunghwan Lee, Antoine Falisse, Scott Delp, C. Karen Liu

Unlike existing methods, our model grants users the flexibility to determine the number and arrangement of sensors tailored to the specific activity of interest, without the need for retraining.

Medical device surveillance with electronic health records

1 code implementation3 Apr 2019 Alison Callahan, Jason A. Fries, Christopher Ré, James I Huddleston III, Nicholas J Giori, Scott Delp, Nigam H. Shah

Using hip replacements as a test case, our methods accurately extracted implant details and reports of complications and pain from electronic health records with up to 96. 3% precision, 98. 5% recall, and 97. 4% F1, improved classification performance by 12. 7- 53. 0% over rule-based methods, and detected over 6 times as many complication events compared to using structured data alone.

Reading Comprehension

Weak Supervision for Time Series: Wearable Sensor Classification with Limited Labeled Data

no code implementations25 Mar 2019 Saelig Khattar, Hannah O’Day, Paroma Varma, Jason Fries, Jen Hicks, Scott Delp, Helen Bronte-Stewart, Chris Re

Using modern deep learning models to make predictions on time series data from wearable sensors generally requires large amounts of labeled data.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

ShortFuse: Biomedical Time Series Representations in the Presence of Structured Information

3 code implementations13 May 2017 Madalina Fiterau, Suvrat Bhooshan, Jason Fries, Charles Bournhonesque, Jennifer Hicks, Eni Halilaj, Christopher Ré, Scott Delp

In healthcare applications, temporal variables that encode movement, health status and longitudinal patient evolution are often accompanied by rich structured information such as demographics, diagnostics and medical exam data.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

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