Search Results for author: Scott Piao

Found 9 papers, 2 papers with code

Survey on Thai NLP Language Resources and Tools

no code implementations LREC 2022 Ratchakrit Arreerard, Stephen Mander, Scott Piao

Over the past decades, Natural Language Processing (NLP) research has been expanding to cover more languages.

Metaphorical Expressions in Automatic Arabic Sentiment Analysis

no code implementations LREC 2020 Israa Alsiyat, Scott Piao

Our experiment evidently shows that metaphors have a significant impact on the performance of current Arabic sentiment tools, and it is an important task to develop Arabic language resources and computational models for Arabic metaphors.

Arabic Sentiment Analysis Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Infrastructure for Semantic Annotation in the Genomics Domain

no code implementations LREC 2020 Mahmoud El-Haj, Nathan Rutherford, Matthew Coole, Ignatius Ezeani, Sheryl Prentice, Nancy Ide, Jo Knight, Scott Piao, John Mariani, Paul Rayson, Keith Suderman

The corpus database is distributed to permit fast indexing, and provides a simple web front-end with corpus linguistics methods for sub-corpus comparison and retrieval.


Leveraging Pre-Trained Embeddings for Welsh Taggers

no code implementations WS 2019 Ignatius Ezeani, Scott Piao, Steven Neale, Paul Rayson, Dawn Knight

While the application of word embedding models to downstream Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks has been shown to be successful, the benefits for low-resource languages is somewhat limited due to lack of adequate data for training the models.

Lexical Coverage Evaluation of Large-scale Multilingual Semantic Lexicons for Twelve Languages

1 code implementation LREC 2016 Scott Piao, Paul Rayson, Dawn Archer, Francesca Bianchi, Carmen Dayrell, Mahmoud El-Haj, Ricardo-Mar{\'\i}a Jim{\'e}nez, Dawn Knight, Michal K{\v{r}}en, Laura L{\"o}fberg, Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab, Jawad Shafi, Phoey Lee Teh, Olga Mudraya

Lexical coverage is an important factor concerning the quality of the lexicons and the performance of the corpus annotation tools, and in this experiment we focus on evaluating the lexical coverage achieved by the multilingual lexicons and semantic annotation tools based on them.

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