Search Results for author: Sean Qian

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

Know Unreported Roadway Incidents in Real-time: A Deep Learning Framework for Early Traffic Anomaly Detection

no code implementations14 Dec 2024 Haocheng Duan, Hao Wu, Sean Qian

Our framework does not focus on stacking or tweaking various deep learning models; instead, it focuses on model design and training strategies to improve early detection performance.

Anomaly Detection

Interpretable mixture of experts for time series prediction under recurrent and non-recurrent conditions

no code implementations5 Sep 2024 Zemian Ke, Haocheng Duan, Sean Qian

The MoE leverages separate recurrent and non-recurrent expert models (Temporal Fusion Transformers) to capture the distinct patterns of each traffic condition.

Time Series Time Series Prediction

Real-time system optimal traffic routing under uncertainties -- Can physics models boost reinforcement learning?

no code implementations10 Jul 2024 Zemian Ke, Qiling Zou, Jiachao Liu, Sean Qian

Our paper presents TransRL, a novel algorithm that integrates reinforcement learning with physics models for enhanced performance, reliability, and interpretability.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

Traffic estimation in unobserved network locations using data-driven macroscopic models

1 code implementation30 Jan 2024 Pablo Guarda, Sean Qian

This paper leverages macroscopic models and multi-source spatiotemporal data collected from automatic traffic counters and probe vehicles to accurately estimate traffic flow and travel time in links where these measurements are unavailable.

Travel Time Estimation

Statistical inference of travelers' route choice preferences with system-level data

1 code implementation23 Apr 2022 Pablo Guarda, Sean Qian

This data must be collected from surveys or travel diaries, which may be labor intensive, costly and limited to a small time period.

Estimating probabilistic dynamic origin-destination demands using multi-day traffic data on computational graphs

no code implementations20 Apr 2022 Wei Ma, Sean Qian

The proposed framework is cast into the computational graph and a reparametrization trick is developed to estimate the mean and standard deviation of the probabilistic dynamic OD demand simultaneously.

Decision Making

From Twitter to Traffic Predictor: Next-Day Morning Traffic Prediction Using Social Media Data

no code implementations29 Sep 2020 Weiran Yao, Sean Qian

In this paper, we propose to mine Twitter messages as a probing method to understand the impacts of people's work and rest patterns in the evening/midnight of the previous day to the next-day morning traffic.

Management Traffic Prediction +2

Learning to Recommend Signal Plans under Incidents with Real-Time Traffic Prediction

no code implementations21 May 2020 Weiran Yao, Sean Qian

The main question to address in this paper is to recommend optimal signal timing plans in real time under incidents by incorporating domain knowledge developed with the traffic signal timing plans tuned for possible incidents, and learning from historical data of both traffic and implemented signals timing.

Decision Making Management +2

High-Resolution Traffic Sensing with Autonomous Vehicles

1 code implementation6 Oct 2019 Wei Ma, Sean Qian

The last decades have witnessed the breakthrough of autonomous vehicles (AVs), and the perception capabilities of AVs have been dramatically improved.

Autonomous Vehicles Management +1

Estimating multi-class dynamic origin-destination demand through a forward-backward algorithm on computational graphs

no code implementations12 Mar 2019 Wei Ma, Xidong Pi, Sean Qian

Provided with some observations of vehicular flow for each class in a large-scale transportation network, how to estimate the multi-class spatio-temporal vehicular flow, in terms of time-varying Origin-Destination (OD) demand and path/link flow, remains a big challenge.

A deep learning approach to real-time parking occupancy prediction in spatio-temporal networks incorporating multiple spatio-temporal data sources

1 code implementation21 Jan 2019 Shuguan Yang, Wei Ma, Xidong Pi, Sean Qian

The case study also shows that, in generally, the prediction model works better for business areas than for recreational locations.

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