Search Results for author: Sean T. McQuade

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Car-Following Models: A Multidisciplinary Review

no code implementations14 Apr 2023 Tianya Terry Zhang, Peter J. Jin, Sean T. McQuade, Alexandre Bayen, Ph. D., Benedetto Piccoli

Car-following (CF) algorithms are crucial components of traffic simulations and have been integrated into many production vehicles equipped with Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS).

Imitation Learning reinforcement-learning +2

A rigorous multi-population multi-lane hybrid traffic model and its mean-field limit for dissipation of waves via autonomous vehicles

no code implementations13 May 2022 Nicolas Kardous, Amaury Hayat, Sean T. McQuade, Xiaoqian Gong, Sydney Truong, Tinhinane Mezair, Paige Arnold, Ryan Delorenzo, Alexandre Bayen, Benedetto Piccoli

The choice of these parameters in the lane-change mechanism is critical to modeling traffic accurately, because different parameter values can lead to drastically different traffic behaviors.

Autonomous Vehicles

A deep language model to predict metabolic network equilibria

no code implementations7 Dec 2021 François Charton, Amaury Hayat, Sean T. McQuade, Nathaniel J. Merrill, Benedetto Piccoli

We show that deep learning models, and especially architectures like the Transformer, originally intended for natural language, can be trained on randomly generated datasets to predict to very high accuracy both the qualitative and quantitative features of metabolic networks.

Deep Learning Language Modeling +3

Limitations and Improvements of the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM)

no code implementations2 Apr 2021 Saleh Albeaik, Alexandre Bayen, Maria Teresa Chiri, Xiaoqian Gong, Amaury Hayat, Nicolas Kardous, Alexander Keimer, Sean T. McQuade, Benedetto Piccoli, Yiling You

First it is shown that, for a specific class of initial data, the vehicles' velocities become negative or even diverge to $-\infty$ in finite time, both undesirable properties for a car-following model.

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