Search Results for author: Sebastian Liemann

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Complex-Phase, Data-Driven Identification of Grid-Forming Inverter Dynamics

no code implementations25 Sep 2024 Anna Büttner, Hans Würfel, Sebastian Liemann, Johannes Schiffer, Frank Hellmann

The increasing integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into power systems requires the deployment of grid-forming inverters to ensure a stable operation.

Predicting Fault-Ride-Through Probability of Inverter-Dominated Power Grids using Machine Learning

1 code implementation13 Jun 2024 Christian Nauck, Anna Büttner, Sebastian Liemann, Frank Hellmann, Michael Lindner

Importantly, we demonstrate that ML models accurately predict the fault-ride-through probability of synthetic power grids.

Power Response and Modelling Aspects of Power Electronic Loads in Case of Voltage Drops

no code implementations8 Jul 2022 Sebastian Liemann, Christian Rehtanz

Overall, the contributions of the paper are the identification of the basic power dynamics of power electronic loads for different voltage drops and a subsequent derivation of suitable simulation load models for voltage stability investigations.

Probabilistic Stability Assessment for Active Distribution Grids

1 code implementation17 Jun 2021 Sebastian Liemann, Lia Strenge, Paul Schultz, Holm Hinners, Johannis Porst, Marcel Sarstedt, Frank Hellmann

This paper demonstrates the concept of probabilistic stability assessment on large-signal stability in the use case of short circuits in an active distribution grid.

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