Search Results for author: Sebastian Stober

Found 27 papers, 10 papers with code

An Interpretable X-ray Style Transfer via Trainable Local Laplacian Filter

no code implementations11 Nov 2024 Dominik Eckert, Ludwig Ritschl, Christopher Syben, Christian Hümmer, Julia Wicklein, Marcel Beister, Steffen Kappler, Sebastian Stober

Radiologists have preferred visual impressions or 'styles' of X-ray images that are manually adjusted to their needs to support their diagnostic performance.

SSIM Style Transfer

Improving Voice Quality in Speech Anonymization With Just Perception-Informed Losses

no code implementations20 Oct 2024 Suhita Ghosh, Tim Thiele, Frederic Lorbeer, Frank Dreyer, Sebastian Stober

The increasing use of cloud-based speech assistants has heightened the need for effective speech anonymization, which aims to obscure a speaker's identity while retaining critical information for subsequent tasks.

Voice Conversion

Anonymising Elderly and Pathological Speech: Voice Conversion Using DDSP and Query-by-Example

1 code implementation20 Oct 2024 Suhita Ghosh, Melanie Jouaiti, Arnab Das, Yamini Sinha, Tim Polzehl, Ingo Siegert, Sebastian Stober

Speech anonymisation aims to protect speaker identity by changing personal identifiers in speech while retaining linguistic content.

Voice Conversion

StyleX: A Trainable Metric for X-ray Style Distances

no code implementations23 May 2024 Dominik Eckert, Christopher Syben, Christian Hümmer, Ludwig Ritschl, Steffen Kappler, Sebastian Stober

The progression of X-ray technology introduces diverse image styles that need to be adapted to the preferences of radiologists.

Tilt your Head: Activating the Hidden Spatial-Invariance of Classifiers

1 code implementation6 May 2024 Johann Schmidt, Sebastian Stober

The latter is limited by the engineering effort required to develop such inductive biases for every possible scenario.

Data Augmentation

PI-RADS v2 Compliant Automated Segmentation of Prostate Zones Using co-training Motivated Multi-task Dual-Path CNN

no code implementations22 Sep 2023 Arnab Das, Suhita Ghosh, Sebastian Stober

Further, the representations from different branches act complementary to each other at the second stage of training, where they are fine-tuned through an unsupervised loss.

Lesion Detection Multi-Task Learning +1

Improving Voice Conversion for Dissimilar Speakers Using Perceptual Losses

no code implementations15 Sep 2023 Suhita Ghosh, Yamini Sinha, Ingo Siegert, Sebastian Stober

The rising trend of using voice as a means of interacting with smart devices has sparked worries over the protection of users' privacy and data security.

Speaker Verification Voice Conversion

StarGAN-VC++: Towards Emotion Preserving Voice Conversion Using Deep Embeddings

1 code implementation14 Sep 2023 Arnab Das, Suhita Ghosh, Tim Polzehl, Sebastian Stober

In this paper, we show that StarGANv2-VC fails to disentangle the speaker and emotion representations, pertinent to preserve emotion.

Generative Adversarial Network Voice Conversion

Emo-StarGAN: A Semi-Supervised Any-to-Many Non-Parallel Emotion-Preserving Voice Conversion

1 code implementation14 Sep 2023 Suhita Ghosh, Arnab Das, Yamini Sinha, Ingo Siegert, Tim Polzehl, Sebastian Stober

Speech anonymisation prevents misuse of spoken data by removing any personal identifier while preserving at least linguistic content.

Voice Conversion

Learning Continuous Rotation Canonicalization with Radial Beam Sampling

1 code implementation21 Jun 2022 Johann Schmidt, Sebastian Stober

The inductive biases inherent to convolutional neural networks allow for translation equivariance through kernels acting parallely to the horizontal and vertical axes of the pixel grid.

Inductive Bias

Visualizing Deep Neural Networks with Topographic Activation Maps

2 code implementations7 Apr 2022 Valerie Krug, Raihan Kabir Ratul, Christopher Olson, Sebastian Stober

Machine Learning with Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has become a successful tool in solving tasks across various fields of application.

Decision Making

Differentiable Generalised Predictive Coding

no code implementations2 Dec 2021 André Ofner, Sebastian Stober

The model suggested here optimises hierarchical and dynamical predictions of latent states.

PredProp: Bidirectional Stochastic Optimization with Precision Weighted Predictive Coding

no code implementations16 Nov 2021 André Ofner, Sebastian Stober

We present PredProp, a method for optimization of weights and states in predictive coding networks (PCNs) based on the precision of propagated errors and neural activity.

Decoder Stochastic Optimization +1

Predictive coding, precision and natural gradients

no code implementations12 Nov 2021 Andre Ofner, Raihan Kabir Ratul, Suhita Ghosh, Sebastian Stober

Here we focus on the related, but still largely under-explored connection between precision weighting in predictive coding networks and the Natural Gradient Descent algorithm for deep neural networks.

Variational Inference

Evaluation of deep lift pose models for 3D rodent pose estimation based on geometrically triangulated data

no code implementations24 Jun 2021 Indrani Sarkar, Indranil Maji, Charitha Omprakash, Sebastian Stober, Sanja Mikulovic, Pavol Bauer

Here we propose the usage of lift-pose models that allow for robust 3D pose estimation of freely moving rodents from a single view camera view.

3D Pose Estimation

Uncertainty-Aware Temporal Self-Learning (UATS): Semi-Supervised Learning for Segmentation of Prostate Zones and Beyond

no code implementations8 Apr 2021 Anneke Meyer, Suhita Ghosh, Daniel Schindele, Martin Schostak, Sebastian Stober, Christian Hansen, Marko Rak

Various convolutional neural network (CNN) based concepts have been introduced for the prostate's automatic segmentation and its coarse subdivision into transition zone (TZ) and peripheral zone (PZ).

Hippocampus Lesion Segmentation +4

Gradient-Adjusted Neuron Activation Profiles for Comprehensive Introspection of Convolutional Speech Recognition Models

no code implementations19 Feb 2020 Andreas Krug, Sebastian Stober

This includes different ways of visualizing features and clustering of GradNAPs to compare embeddings of different groups of inputs in any layer of a given network.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Visualizing Deep Neural Networks for Speech Recognition with Learned Topographic Filter Maps

no code implementations6 Dec 2019 Andreas Krug, Sebastian Stober

The uninformative ordering of artificial neurons in Deep Neural Networks complicates visualizing activations in deeper layers.

speech-recognition Speech Recognition

Window-Based Neural Tagging for Shallow Discourse Argument Labeling

no code implementations CONLL 2019 Ren{\'e} Knaebel, Manfred Stede, Sebastian Stober

This paper describes a novel approach for the task of end-to-end argument labeling in shallow discourse parsing.

Discourse Parsing

PredNet and Predictive Coding: A Critical Review

3 code implementations14 Jun 2019 Roshan Rane, Edit Szügyi, Vageesh Saxena, André Ofner, Sebastian Stober

We fill in the gap by evaluating PredNet both as an implementation of the predictive coding theory and as a self-supervised video prediction model using a challenging video action classification dataset.

Action Classification General Classification +2

Introspection for convolutional automatic speech recognition

no code implementations WS 2018 Andreas Krug, Sebastian Stober

Our method integrates information from many data examples through local introspection techniques for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

Hybrid Active Inference

no code implementations5 Oct 2018 André Ofner, Sebastian Stober

To establish this, a machine learning part learns to integrate into human cognition by explaining away multi-modal sensory measurements from the environment and physiology simultaneously with the brain signal.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Probabilistic Deep Learning +1

Deep Feature Learning for EEG Recordings

1 code implementation13 Nov 2015 Sebastian Stober, Avital Sternin, Adrian M. Owen, Jessica A. Grahn

We introduce and compare several strategies for learning discriminative features from electroencephalography (EEG) recordings using deep learning techniques.


Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Recognize Rhythm Stimuli from Electroencephalography Recordings

no code implementations NeurIPS 2014 Sebastian Stober, Daniel J. Cameron, Jessica A. Grahn

Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of rhythm perception might contain enough information to distinguish different rhythm types/genres or even identify the rhythms themselves.

EEG General Classification

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