Search Results for author: Sen Pei

Found 9 papers, 2 papers with code

Image Background Serves as Good Proxy for Out-of-distribution Data

no code implementations2 Jul 2023 Sen Pei

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection empowers the model trained on the closed image set to identify unknown data in the open world.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

AutoMatch: A Large-scale Audio Beat Matching Benchmark for Boosting Deep Learning Assistant Video Editing

no code implementations3 Mar 2023 Sen Pei, Jingya Yu, Qi Chen, Wozhou He

In this paper, we investigate a novel and practical problem, namely audio beat matching (ABM), which aims to recommend the proper transition time stamps based on the background music.

Video Editing

Free Lunch for Generating Effective Outlier Supervision

no code implementations17 Jan 2023 Sen Pei, Jiaxi Sun, Richard Yi Da Xu, Bin Fan, Shiming Xiang, Gaofeng Meng

Generally, existing approaches in dealing with out-of-distribution (OOD) detection mainly focus on the statistical difference between the features of OOD and in-distribution (ID) data extracted by the classifiers.

Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

Exploring Domain Incremental Video Highlights Detection with the LiveFood Benchmark

1 code implementation12 Sep 2022 Sen Pei, Shixiong Xu, Xiaojie Jin

However, most VHD methods are based on the closed world assumption, i. e., a fixed number of highlight categories is defined in advance and all training data are available beforehand.

Incremental Learning

Domain Decorrelation with Potential Energy Ranking

1 code implementation25 Jul 2022 Sen Pei, Jiaxi Sun, Richard Yi Da Xu, Shiming Xiang, Gaofeng Meng

PoER helps the neural networks to capture label-related features which contain the domain information first in shallow layers and then distills the label-discriminative representations out progressively, enforcing the neural networks to be aware of the characteristic of objects and background which is vital to the generation of domain-invariant features.

Domain Generalization

Gradient Concealment: Free Lunch for Defending Adversarial Attacks

no code implementations21 May 2022 Sen Pei, Jiaxi Sun, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaofeng Meng

Recent studies show that the deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great success in various tasks.

Robust classification

Evaluating the impact of quarantine measures on COVID-19 spread

no code implementations9 Feb 2022 Renquan Zhang, Yu Wang, Zheng Lv, Sen Pei

We generate counterfactual simulations to estimate effectiveness of quarantine measures.

counterfactual Decision Making

Alleviating Mode Collapse in GAN via Diversity Penalty Module

no code implementations5 Aug 2021 Sen Pei, Richard Yi Da Xu, Shiming Xiang, Gaofeng Meng

We compare the proposed method with Unrolled GAN (Metz et al. 2016), BourGAN (Xiao, Zhong, and Zheng 2018), PacGAN (Lin et al. 2018), VEEGAN (Srivastava et al. 2017) and ALI (Dumoulin et al. 2016) on 2D synthetic dataset, and results show that the diversity penalty module can help GAN capture much more modes of the data distribution.

Data Augmentation Diversity

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