Search Results for author: Seohyun Park

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

MultiPragEval: Multilingual Pragmatic Evaluation of Large Language Models

1 code implementation11 Jun 2024 Dojun Park, Jiwoo Lee, Seohyun Park, Hyeyun Jeong, Youngeun Koo, Soonha Hwang, Seonwoo Park, Sungeun Lee

As the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) expand, it becomes increasingly important to evaluate them beyond basic knowledge assessment, focusing on higher-level language understanding.

Pragmatic Competence Evaluation of Large Language Models for Korean

no code implementations19 Mar 2024 Dojun Park, Jiwoo Lee, Hyeyun Jeong, Seohyun Park, Sungeun Lee

The current evaluation of Large Language Models (LLMs) predominantly relies on benchmarks focusing on their embedded knowledge by testing through multiple-choice questions (MCQs), a format inherently suited for automated evaluation.

Few-Shot Learning Multiple-choice

German Phoneme Recognition with Text-to-Phoneme Data Augmentation

no code implementations24 Nov 2022 Dojun Park, Seohyun Park

In this study, we experimented to examine the effect of adding the most frequent n phoneme bigrams to the basic vocabulary on the German phoneme recognition model using the text-to-phoneme data augmentation strategy.

Data Augmentation

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