Search Results for author: Seojin Kim

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Confidence-aware Denoised Fine-tuning of Off-the-shelf Models for Certified Robustness

1 code implementation13 Nov 2024 Suhyeok Jang, Seojin Kim, Jinwoo Shin, Jongheon Jeong

We also find that such a fine-tuning can be done by updating a small fraction of parameters of the classifier.

Adversarial Robustness Denoising +1

Data-Efficient Molecular Generation with Hierarchical Textual Inversion

1 code implementation5 May 2024 Seojin Kim, Jaehyun Nam, Sihyun Yu, Younghoon Shin, Jinwoo Shin

Compared to the conventional textual inversion method in the image domain using a single-level token embedding, our multi-level token embeddings allow the model to effectively learn the underlying low-shot molecule distribution.

Drug Discovery Image Generation +2

Evaluating the Efficacy of Interactive Language Therapy Based on LLM for High-Functioning Autistic Adolescent Psychological Counseling

no code implementations12 Nov 2023 Yujin Cho, Mingeon Kim, Seojin Kim, Oyun Kwon, Ryan Donghan Kwon, Yoonha Lee, Dohyun Lim

This study investigates the efficacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) in interactive language therapy for high-functioning autistic adolescents.

Long-term Time Series Forecasting based on Decomposition and Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

no code implementations8 Nov 2023 Seonkyu Lim, Jaehyeon Park, Seojin Kim, Hyowon Wi, Haksoo Lim, Jinsung Jeon, Jeongwhan Choi, Noseong Park

Long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) is a challenging task that has been investigated in various domains such as finance investment, health care, traffic, and weather forecasting.

Time Series Time Series Forecasting +1

Confidence-aware Training of Smoothed Classifiers for Certified Robustness

1 code implementation18 Dec 2022 Jongheon Jeong, Seojin Kim, Jinwoo Shin

Under the smoothed classifiers, the fundamental trade-off between accuracy and (adversarial) robustness has been well evidenced in the literature: i. e., increasing the robustness of a classifier for an input can be at the expense of decreased accuracy for some other inputs.

Adversarial Robustness

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