Search Results for author: Sergey Rodionov

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

An Evaluation of GPT-4 on the ETHICS Dataset

no code implementations19 Sep 2023 Sergey Rodionov, Zarathustra Amadeus Goertzel, Ben Goertzel

This report summarizes a short study of the performance of GPT-4 on the ETHICS dataset.


Improving Deep Models of Person Re-identification for Cross-Dataset Usage

no code implementations23 Jul 2018 Sergey Rodionov, Alexey Potapov, Hugo Latapie, Enzo Fenoglio, Maxim Peterson

Person re-identification (Re-ID) is the task of matching humans across cameras with non-overlapping views that has important applications in visual surveillance.

Deep Learning Person Re-Identification +1

Universal Empathy and Ethical Bias for Artificial General Intelligence

no code implementations3 Aug 2013 Alexey Potapov, Sergey Rodionov

We assume that generalized states of the world are valuable - not rewards themselves, and propose an extension of AIXI, in which rewards are used only to bootstrap hierarchical value learning.

Universal Induction with Varying Sets of Combinators

no code implementations1 Jun 2013 Alexey Potapov, Sergey Rodionov

Our experiments show that low-complexity induction or prediction tasks can be solved by the developed system (much more efficiently than using brute force); useful combinators can be revealed and included into the representation simplifying more difficult tasks.

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