Search Results for author: Sergio Jimenez

Found 16 papers, 1 papers with code

NLP-CIC @ DIACR-Ita: POS and Neighbor Based Distributional Models for Lexical Semantic Change in Diachronic Italian Corpora

no code implementations7 Nov 2020 Jason Angel, Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz, Alexander Gelbukh, Sergio Jimenez

The second model uses word embedding representation to extract the neighbor's relative distances across spaces and propose "the average of absolute differences" to estimate lexical semantic change.


Toward the Evaluation of Written Proficiency on a Collaborative Social Network for Learning Languages: Yask

no code implementations23 Mar 2019 Fabio N. Silva, Sergio Jimenez, George Dueñas

Our method, called Proficiency Rank, extends the well-known Page Rank algorithm to measure the reputation of users in a collaborative social graph.

An Ontology-Based Recommender System with an Application to the Star Trek Television Franchise

1 code implementation31 Jul 2018 Paul Sheridan, Mikael Onsjö, Claudia Becerra, Sergio Jimenez, George Dueñas

As a study case, we evaluated the proposed method against other approaches by performing the classical rating prediction task on a collection of Star Trek television series episodes in an item cold-start scenario.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems +1

RUFINO at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Cross-lingual lexical similarity by extending PMI and word embeddings systems with a Swadesh's-like list

no code implementations SEMEVAL 2017 Sergio Jimenez, George Due{\~n}as, Lorena Gaitan, Jorge Segura

The RUFINO team proposed a non-supervised, conceptually-simple and low-cost approach for addressing the Multilingual and Cross-lingual Semantic Word Similarity challenge at SemEval 2017.

Semantic Textual Similarity Task 2 +3

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