Search Results for author: Seung-Woo Seo

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

Learning Compound Tasks without Task-specific Knowledge via Imitation and Self-supervised Learning

no code implementations ICML 2020 Sang-Hyun Lee, Seung-Woo Seo

To address this challenge, previous imitation learning methods exploit task-specific knowledge, e. g., labeling demonstrations manually or specifying termination conditions for each sub-task.

Imitation Learning Self-Supervised Learning

E2Map: Experience-and-Emotion Map for Self-Reflective Robot Navigation with Language Models

1 code implementation16 Sep 2024 Chan Kim, Keonwoo Kim, Mintaek Oh, Hanbi Baek, Jiyang Lee, Donghwi Jung, Soojin Woo, Younkyung Woo, John Tucker, Roya Firoozi, Seung-Woo Seo, Mac Schwager, Seong-Woo Kim

Given that real-world environments are inherently stochastic, initial plans based solely on LLMs' general knowledge may fail to achieve their objectives, unlike in static scenarios.

General Knowledge Robot Navigation

Autonomous Algorithm for Training Autonomous Vehicles with Minimal Human Intervention

no code implementations22 May 2024 Sang-Hyun Lee, Daehyeok Kwon, Seung-Woo Seo

In this paper, we introduce a novel autonomous algorithm that allows off-the-shelf RL algorithms to train an autonomous vehicle with minimal human intervention.

Autonomous Driving Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Interpreting Adaptive Gradient Methods by Parameter Scaling for Learning-Rate-Free Optimization

no code implementations6 Jan 2024 Min-Kook Suh, Seung-Woo Seo

We address the challenge of estimating the learning rate for adaptive gradient methods used in training deep neural networks.

Self-Supervised Curriculum Generation for Autonomous Reinforcement Learning without Task-Specific Knowledge

no code implementations15 Nov 2023 Sang-Hyun Lee, Seung-Woo Seo

In this paper, we propose a novel ARL algorithm that can generate a curriculum adaptive to the agent's learning progress without task-specific knowledge.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

SeRO: Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Recovery from Out-of-Distribution Situations

1 code implementation7 Nov 2023 Chan Kim, Jaekyung Cho, Christophe Bobda, Seung-Woo Seo, Seong-Woo Kim

Moreover, we show that our method can retrain the agent to recover from OOD situations even when in-distribution states are difficult to visit through exploration.

Long-Tailed Recognition by Mutual Information Maximization between Latent Features and Ground-Truth Labels

1 code implementation2 May 2023 Min-Kook Suh, Seung-Woo Seo

Although contrastive learning methods have shown prevailing performance on a variety of representation learning tasks, they encounter difficulty when the training dataset is long-tailed.

Ranked #3 on Long-tail Learning on iNaturalist 2018 (using extra training data)

Contrastive Learning Image Classification +4

GIN: Graph-based Interaction-aware Constraint Policy Optimization for Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation3 Jun 2022 Se-Wook Yoo, Chan Kim, Jin-Woo Choi, Seong-Woo Kim, Seung-Woo Seo

Applying reinforcement learning to autonomous driving entails particular challenges, primarily due to dynamically changing traffic flows.

Autonomous Driving motion prediction +1

Learning Neural Processes on the Fly

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Younghwa Jung, Zhenyuan Yuan, Seung-Woo Seo, Minghui Zhu, Seong-Woo Kim

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm called anytime neural processes that combines DNNs and SNNs and can work in both low-data and high-data regimes.


RetCL: A Selection-based Approach for Retrosynthesis via Contrastive Learning

no code implementations3 May 2021 Hankook Lee, Sungsoo Ahn, Seung-Woo Seo, You Young Song, Eunho Yang, Sung-Ju Hwang, Jinwoo Shin

Retrosynthesis, of which the goal is to find a set of reactants for synthesizing a target product, is an emerging research area of deep learning.

Contrastive Learning Retrosynthesis

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