no code implementations • 29 Aug 2023 • Jaeseok Yoon, Seunghyun Hwang, Ran Han, Jeonguk Bang, Kee-Eung Kim
Although there have been remarkable advances in dialogue systems through the dialogue systems technology competition (DSTC), it remains one of the key challenges to building a robust task-oriented dialogue system with a speech interface.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2021 • Ze Wang, Seunghyun Hwang, Zichen Miao, Qiang Qiu
In this paper, we model the subspace of convolutional filters with a neural ordinary differential equation (ODE) to enable gradual changes in generated images.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Jungeun Kim, Seunghyun Hwang, Jeehyun Hwang, Kookjin Lee, Dongeun Lee, Noseong Park
In other words, the knowledge contained by the learned governing equation can be injected into the neural network which approximates the PDE solution function.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2021 • Mingi Ji, Seungjae Shin, Seunghyun Hwang, Gibeom Park, Il-Chul Moon
Knowledge distillation is a method of transferring the knowledge from a pretrained complex teacher model to a student model, so a smaller network can replace a large teacher network at the deployment stage.
no code implementations • 1 Jan 2021 • Jungeun Kim, Seunghyun Hwang, Jihyun Hwang, Kookjin Lee, Dongeun Lee, Noseong Park
Neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) introduced an approach to approximate a neural network as a system of ODEs after considering its layer as a continuous variable and discretizing its hidden dimension.