Search Results for author: Seyedreza Mohseni

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Can LLMs Obfuscate Code? A Systematic Analysis of Large Language Models into Assembly Code Obfuscation

no code implementations20 Dec 2024 Seyedreza Mohseni, Seyedali Mohammadi, Deepa Tilwani, Yash Saxena, Gerald Ketu Ndawula, Sriram Vema, Edward Raff, Manas Gaur

The MetamorphASM systematically evaluates the ability of LLMs to generate and analyze obfuscated code using MAD, which contains 328, 200 obfuscated assembly code samples.

Knowledge-enhanced Neuro-Symbolic AI for Cybersecurity and Privacy

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Aritran Piplai, Anantaa Kotal, Seyedreza Mohseni, Manas Gaur, Sudip Mittal, Anupam Joshi

Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging and quickly advancing field that combines the subsymbolic strengths of (deep) neural networks and explicit, symbolic knowledge contained in knowledge graphs to enhance explainability and safety in AI systems.

Knowledge Graphs

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