Search Results for author: Shahriar Nirjon

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

SensEmo: Enabling Affective Learning through Real-time Emotion Recognition with Smartwatches

no code implementations13 Jul 2024 Kushan Choksi, Hongkai Chen, Karan Joshi, Sukrutha Jade, Shahriar Nirjon, Shan Lin

More importantly, SensEmo assists students to achieve better online learning outcomes, e. g., an average of 40. 0% higher grades in quizzes, over the traditional learning without student emotional feedback.

Emotion Recognition

Characterizing Disparity Between Edge Models and High-Accuracy Base Models for Vision Tasks

no code implementations13 Jul 2024 Zhenyu Wang, Shahriar Nirjon

To achieve this, we propose a learning-based approach to characterize the model difference, named the DELTA network, which complements the feature representation capability of the edge network in a compact form.

CarFi: Rider Localization Using Wi-Fi CSI

no code implementations21 Dec 2022 Sirajum Munir, Hongkai Chen, Shiwei Fang, Mahathir Monjur, Shan Lin, Shahriar Nirjon

With the rise of hailing services, people are increasingly relying on shared mobility (e. g., Uber, Lyft) drivers to pick up for transportation.


SmartON: Just-in-Time Active Event Detection on Energy Harvesting Systems

no code implementations1 Mar 2021 Yubo Luo, Shahriar Nirjon

We propose SmartON, a batteryless system that learns to wake up proactively at the right moment in order to detect events of interest.

Event Detection Management

Zygarde: Time-Sensitive On-Device Deep Inference and Adaptation on Intermittently-Powered Systems

no code implementations5 May 2019 Bashima Islam, Shahriar Nirjon

We propose Zygarde -- which is an energy -- and accuracy-aware soft real-time task scheduling framework for batteryless systems that flexibly execute deep learning tasks1 that are suitable for running on microcontrollers.


Intermittent Learning: On-Device Machine Learning on Intermittently Powered System

1 code implementation21 Apr 2019 Seulki Lee, Bashima Islam, Yubo Luo, Shahriar Nirjon

This paper introduces intermittent learning - the goal of which is to enable energy harvested computing platforms capable of executing certain classes of machine learning tasks effectively and efficiently.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

AI-Enhanced 3D RF Representation Using Low-Cost mmWave Radar

no code implementations SenSys '18 Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems 2018 Shiwei Fang, Shahriar Nirjon

This paper introduces a system that takes radio frequency (RF) signals from an off-the-shelf, low-cost, 77 GHz mm Wave radar and produces an enhanced 3D RF representation of a scene.

RF-based Pose Estimation Robot Navigation

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