Search Results for author: Shang Zhao

Found 12 papers, 1 papers with code

LACOSTE: Exploiting stereo and temporal contexts for surgical instrument segmentation

no code implementations14 Sep 2024 Qiyuan Wang, Shang Zhao, Zikang Xu, S Kevin Zhou

In this work, we propose a novel LACOSTE model that exploits Location-Agnostic COntexts in Stereo and TEmporal images for improved surgical instrument segmentation.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +1

PostoMETRO: Pose Token Enhanced Mesh Transformer for Robust 3D Human Mesh Recovery

no code implementations19 Mar 2024 Wendi Yang, Zihang Jiang, Shang Zhao, S. Kevin Zhou

With the recent advancements in single-image-based human mesh recovery, there is a growing interest in enhancing its performance in certain extreme scenarios, such as occlusion, while maintaining overall model accuracy.

3D Human Pose Estimation 3D Reconstruction +2

WeakSurg: Weakly supervised surgical instrument segmentation using temporal equivariance and semantic continuity

no code implementations14 Mar 2024 Qiyuan Wang, Yanzhe Liu, Shang Zhao, Rong Liu, S. Kevin Zhou

We annotate instance-wise instrument labels with fixed time-steps which are double checked by a clinician with 3-years experience to evaluate segmentation results.

Instance Segmentation Instrument Recognition +4

Sparse-view CT Reconstruction with 3D Gaussian Volumetric Representation

no code implementations25 Dec 2023 Yingtai Li, Xueming Fu, Shang Zhao, Ruiyang Jin, S. Kevin Zhou

Sparse-view CT is a promising strategy for reducing the radiation dose of traditional CT scans, but reconstructing high-quality images from incomplete and noisy data is challenging.

CT Reconstruction Novel View Synthesis

Unsupervised augmentation optimization for few-shot medical image segmentation

no code implementations8 Jun 2023 Quan Quan, Shang Zhao, Qingsong Yao, Heqin Zhu, S. Kevin Zhou

The augmentation parameters matter to few-shot semantic segmentation since they directly affect the training outcome by feeding the networks with varying perturbated samples.

Anatomy Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation +4

GDDS: Pulmonary Bronchioles Segmentation with Group Deep Dense Supervision

no code implementations16 Mar 2023 Mingyue Zhao, Shang Zhao, Quan Quan, Li Fan, Xiaolan Qiu, Shiyuan Liu, S. Kevin Zhou

To address these problems, we contribute a new bronchial segmentation method based on Group Deep Dense Supervision (GDDS) that emphasizes fine-scale bronchioles segmentation in a simple-but-effective manner.


FairAdaBN: Mitigating unfairness with adaptive batch normalization and its application to dermatological disease classification

1 code implementation15 Mar 2023 Zikang Xu, Shang Zhao, Quan Quan, Qingsong Yao, S. Kevin Zhou

Deep learning is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in medical research and applications while involving sensitive information and even critical diagnosis decisions.

Attribute Fairness

MURPHY: Relations Matter in Surgical Workflow Analysis

no code implementations24 Dec 2022 Shang Zhao, Yanzhe Liu, Qiyuan Wang, Dai Sun, Rong Liu, S. Kevin Zhou

Autonomous robotic surgery has advanced significantly based on analysis of visual and temporal cues in surgical workflow, but relational cues from domain knowledge remain under investigation.

Relation Triplet

Active CT Reconstruction with a Learned Sampling Policy

no code implementations3 Nov 2022 Ce Wang, Kun Shang, Haimiao Zhang, Shang Zhao, Dong Liang, S. Kevin Zhou

Experiments on the VerSe dataset demonstrate this ability of our sampling policy, which is difficult to achieve based on uniform sampling.

Computed Tomography (CT) CT Reconstruction +1

3D endoscopic depth estimation using 3D surface-aware constraints

no code implementations4 Mar 2022 Shang Zhao, Ce Wang, Qiyuan Wang, Yanzhe Liu, S Kevin Zhou

We propose a loss function for depth estimation that integrates the surface-aware constraints, leading to a faster and better convergence with the valid information from spatial information.

Depth Estimation Image Reconstruction +1

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