Search Results for author: Shangbang Long

Found 13 papers, 8 papers with code

Evaluating Durability: Benchmark Insights into Multimodal Watermarking

no code implementations6 Jun 2024 JieLin Qiu, William Han, Xuandong Zhao, Shangbang Long, Christos Faloutsos, Lei LI

With the development of large models, watermarks are increasingly employed to assert copyright, verify authenticity, or monitor content distribution.

Text Generation

Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and Layout Analysis

1 code implementation25 Oct 2023 Shangbang Long, Siyang Qin, Yasuhisa Fujii, Alessandro Bissacco, Michalis Raptis

We propose Hierarchical Text Spotter (HTS), a novel method for the joint task of word-level text spotting and geometric layout analysis.

Text Spotting

A New Perspective for Flexible Feature Gathering in Scene Text Recognition Via Character Anchor Pooling

no code implementations10 Feb 2020 Shangbang Long, Yushuo Guan, Kaigui Bian, Cong Yao

Irregular scene text recognition has attracted much attention from the research community, mainly due to the complexity of shapes of text in natural scene.

Scene Text Recognition

Rethinking Irregular Scene Text Recognition

1 code implementation30 Aug 2019 Shangbang Long, Yushuo Guan, Bingxuan Wang, Kaigui Bian, Cong Yao

Reading text from natural images is challenging due to the great variety in text font, color, size, complex background and etc..

Scene Text Detection

SynthText3D: Synthesizing Scene Text Images from 3D Virtual Worlds

1 code implementation13 Jul 2019 Minghui Liao, Boyu Song, Shangbang Long, Minghang He, Cong Yao, Xiang Bai

Different from the previous methods which paste the rendered text on static 2D images, our method can render the 3D virtual scene and text instances as an entirety.

Image Generation Scene Text Detection +1

Scene Text Detection and Recognition: The Deep Learning Era

1 code implementation10 Nov 2018 Shangbang Long, Xin He, Cong Yao

As an important research area in computer vision, scene text detection and recognition has been inescapably influenced by this wave of revolution, consequentially entering the era of deep learning.

Deep Learning Scene Text Detection +1

Automatic Judgment Prediction via Legal Reading Comprehension

no code implementations18 Sep 2018 Shangbang Long, Cunchao Tu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

It has been studied for several decades mainly by lawyers and judges, considered as a novel and prospective application of artificial intelligence techniques in the legal field.

Reading Comprehension text-classification +1

TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes

3 code implementations ECCV 2018 Shangbang Long, Jiaqiang Ruan, Wenjie Zhang, Xin He, Wenhao Wu, Cong Yao

Driven by deep neural networks and large scale datasets, scene text detection methods have progressed substantially over the past years, continuously refreshing the performance records on various standard benchmarks.

Curved Text Detection Text Detection

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