Search Results for author: Shangzhen Luan

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Object detection and tracking benchmark in industry based on improved correlation filter

no code implementations11 Jun 2018 Shangzhen Luan, Yan Li, Xiaodi Wang, Baochang Zhang

Real-time object detection and tracking have shown to be the basis of intelligent production for industrial 4. 0 applications.

Diversity object-detection +1

Latent Constrained Correlation Filter

no code implementations11 Nov 2017 Baochang Zhang, Shangzhen Luan, Chen Chen, Jungong Han, Wei Wang, Alessandro Perina, Ling Shao

In this paper, we introduce an intermediate step -- solution sampling -- after the data sampling step to form a subspace, in which an optimal solution can be estimated.

Object Recognition Object Tracking

Gabor Convolutional Networks

no code implementations3 May 2017 Shangzhen Luan, Baochang Zhang, Chen Chen, Xian-Bin Cao, Jungong Han, Jianzhuang Liu

Steerable properties dominate the design of traditional filters, e. g., Gabor filters, and endow features the capability of dealing with spatial transformations.

Latent Constrained Correlation Filters for Object Localization

no code implementations7 Jun 2016 Shangzhen Luan, Baochang Zhang, Jungong Han, Chen Chen, Ling Shao, Alessandro Perina, Linlin Shen

There is a neglected fact in the traditional machine learning methods that the data sampling can actually lead to the solution sampling.

Object Object Localization

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