Search Results for author: Shanshan Huang

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

TARGA: Targeted Synthetic Data Generation for Practical Reasoning over Structured Data

1 code implementation27 Dec 2024 Xiang Huang, Jiayu Shen, Shanshan Huang, Sitao Cheng, Xiaxia Wang, Yuzhong Qu

Then we generate corresponding natural language questions for these constructed queries to jointly serve as the synthetic demonstrations for in-context learning.

In-Context Learning Knowledge Base Question Answering +2

Visual Perception in Text Strings

1 code implementation2 Oct 2024 Qi Jia, Xiang Yue, Shanshan Huang, Ziheng Qin, Yizhu Liu, Bill Yuchen Lin, Yang You

This type of artifact possesses the unique characteristic that identical information can be readily formulated in both texts and images, making them a significant proxy for analyzing modern LLMs' and MLLMs' capabilities in modality-agnostic vision understanding.

MarkQA: A large scale KBQA dataset with numerical reasoning

2 code implementations24 Oct 2023 Xiang Huang, Sitao Cheng, Yuheng Bao, Shanshan Huang, Yuzhong Qu

We design a logic form in Python format called PyQL to represent the reasoning process of numerical reasoning questions.

Question Answering

Pareto Invariant Representation Learning for Multimedia Recommendation

no code implementations9 Aug 2023 Shanshan Huang, Haoxuan Li, Qingsong Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Li Liu

Multimedia recommendation involves personalized ranking tasks, where multimedia content is usually represented using a generic encoder.

Multimedia recommendation Multi-modal Recommendation +1

Statistically Profiling Biases in Natural Language Reasoning Datasets and Models

no code implementations9 Feb 2021 Shanshan Huang, Kenny Q. Zhu

Recent work has indicated that many natural language understanding and reasoning datasets contain statistical cues that may be taken advantaged of by NLP models whose capability may thus be grossly overestimated.

Multiple-choice Natural Language Understanding

AMRec: An Intelligent System for Academic Method Recommendation

no code implementations10 Apr 2019 Shanshan Huang, Xiaojun Wan, Xuewei Tang

Finding new academic Methods for research problems is the key task in a researcher's research career.

ExtRA: Extracting Prominent Review Aspects from Customer Feedback

1 code implementation EMNLP 2018 Zhiyi Luo, Shanshan Huang, Frank F. Xu, Bill Yuchen Lin, Hanyuan Shi, Kenny Zhu

Many existing systems for analyzing and summarizing customer reviews about products or service are based on a number of prominent review aspects.

Deep Hashing with Triplet Quantization Loss

no code implementations31 Oct 2017 Yuefu Zhou, Shanshan Huang, Ya zhang, Yan-Feng Wang

While minimizing the quantization loss guarantees that quantization has minimal effect on retrieval accuracy, it unfortunately significantly reduces the expressiveness of features even before the quantization.

Deep Hashing Image Retrieval +2

Unsupervised Triplet Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval

no code implementations28 Feb 2017 Shanshan Huang, Yichao Xiong, Ya zhang, Jia Wang

Considering the difficulty in obtaining labeled datasets for image retrieval task in large scale, we propose a novel CNN-based unsupervised hashing method, namely Unsupervised Triplet Hashing (UTH).

Image Retrieval Quantization +2

Calculating Probabilities Simplifies Word Learning

no code implementations22 Feb 2017 Aida Nematzadeh, Barend Beekhuizen, Shanshan Huang, Suzanne Stevenson

Children can use the statistical regularities of their environment to learn word meanings, a mechanism known as cross-situational learning.

The Pascal Triangle of a Discrete Image: Definition, Properties and Application to Shape Analysis

no code implementations21 Sep 2012 Mireille Boutin, Shanshan Huang

We define the Pascal triangle of a discrete (gray scale) image as a pyramidal arrangement of complex-valued moments and we explore its geometric significance.

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